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mixing machine


Do you know what is the inspection method for wholesale mixing machine before starting?

Do you know what is the inspection method for wholesale mixing machine before starting?


It is necessary to check whether the connecting bolts of the wholesale mixing machine to the motor are loose. If there is looseness, it should be firmed immediately, and it is not allowed to start when the bolts are loose.

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Do you know what the lubrication work of a wholesale mixing machine is?

Do you know what the lubrication work of a wholesale mixing machine is?


The wholesale mixing machine works in an environment with a lot of ash and sand. Therefore, in order to ensure the reliability of the machine and reduce the wear of machine parts and the loss of power, lubrication should be done in time, otherwise impurities such as ash and sand will seriously wear and block the equipment. Normal use.

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Marshmallow extruder tells what are the trial operation procedures of the mixing machine?

Marshmallow extruder tells what are the trial operation procedures of the mixing machine?


According to experience, the external fasteners of general mixing machine are often not tightened in place due to the use of pneumatic wrenches during assembly. Therefore, they should be re-checked and tightened before trial operation. At the same time, the changes in parts caused during transportation should be eliminated. Abnormal phenomena such as location, shortage, etc.

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Marshmallow extruder talked about what needs to be done during the long-term outage of the mixing machine?

Marshmallow extruder talked about what needs to be done during the long-term outage of the mixing machine?


In order to allow the mixing machine equipment to still be able to resume normal work in the future, during the long-term idle period, we need to carry out predetermined pre-maintenance methods for these construction machinery and equipment.

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Marshmallow extruder tells what is the lubrication work of the mixing machine?


The mixing machine works in an environment with a lot of ash and sand. Therefore, in order to ensure the reliability of the machine and reduce the wear of machine parts and the loss of power, lubrication should be done in time, otherwise impurities such as ash and sand will seriously wear and block the equipment. Normal use.

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Do you know all the precautions for parking the mixing machine?

Do you know all the precautions for parking the mixing machine?


It can be seen from the name of the small mixing machine that the equipment is small in size, so the weight is not very heavy, and there are rubber walking wheels, which makes it very light to transport the mixing mixture back and forth.

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